Philly Create 32 marked the last creative meet up of the 2023 summer. We started the event as we always do with a little networking, sharing community rules and taking an epic group shot.
Creative energy and ideas filled the air at our first location (Historical Church Steps) then suddenly Father Joe's voice interrupted, kicking us off the steps because mass was about to start.
Undeterred, our amazing community migrated to the back of the art museum, where the creative energy and art embraced us. We spent the remaining time exploring and shooting in the different spaces the art museum had to offer.
Concluding the summer with our creative community was truly an incredible experience.
We can't wait until the next Philly Create to reconnect with everyone.
Please upload a link to your photos in the comments section
My Top 9 from PHILLY CREATE 33. Nikki @nicolegermosen, Jodie @theycallmejodie, Lani @llanimay, B1G @errorschild, Alisha @alishae.xo, Jaslene @jasleue, Izabela @polishdramaqueen, Akerrah @always_akerrah, Adora @adorajoys.
IG: photossbyariana
Hello I would like to thank all of the photographers from Philly Create 32 Shades and Sunset for the photos. I see some of photos from some of the photographers but not from the other photographers that I worked with on that day. Please let me know when you download the rest of them in the blog. My IG handle is travis_j_winters. Thank you.
L J from Good Vibez photos link to my edits.